New Moon in Pisces | March 10, 2024

On March 10, 2024, we experience a new moon at 20 degrees of Pisces. This transit impacts individuals with planets and aspects between 15-25 degrees of this sign the most. But it likewise influences individuals with planets and aspects in Gemini, Libra, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio at the same degrees. New moon phases are great times to conduct intention rituals to plan and prepare for the months ahead. They are also great times to harness the moon’s power in other beneficial ways.

The new moon in Pisces is a dreamy time, as there is much luminary interplay in this sign during this time. The Sun and Mercury entered Pisces in February, and Venus joins the Moon in this sign in March. Likewise, Saturn started its transit through Pisces in March 2023. These alignments create a stellium, which is a cluster of three or more planets in the same zodiac. Stelliums are powerful because they intensify the traits associated with the specific sign or house in which they occur.

In this case, Pisces is the star of the show. This means external and internal dynamics, including communication, finances, health, and relationships, will be touched by Pisces’ magic wand. So, we can expect to be in touch with our feelings and emotions during this new moon cycle in March 2024. Many will begin to create the world they desire through their imaginative abilities as they engage in manifestation work. This time is ripe for such activities as we will likely see our desires unfold quickly.

Venus in Pisces

As mentioned, Venus visits Pisces on March 11th, the day after the Moon engages this sign. Pisces is airy, whimsical, and loves to live in the clouds. Venus is earthy, grounded, and likes a firm foundation. Together, these energies give us the best of both worlds. Pisces keeps our dreams alive, while Venus keeps our fantasies in check.

During this moon cycle, many will feel romantic, compassionate, or creative. It’s likely you will focus on or fantasize about your idealistic partnership or living situation. You may take steps to change your relationship dynamics or lifestyle to make your dreams a reality. Your connections should be amicable and friendly during this transit. So take advantage of this energy by positioning yourself to align with your goals.

Both Venus and Pisces are charitable signs. Venus tends to be more lavish in her approach as she loves to live in luxurious surroundings. Pisces is a giver to a fault – this energy wants everyone and everything to be okay at all times. So, you may find that you or those around you are more selfless during this transit. But be careful to set healthy boundaries so as not to let others take advantage of you. Venus will teach us vital lessons in this area since she believes in practicality. Whereas Pisces tends to struggle in this area.

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First Quarter Moon in Gemini

On March 17th, the moon visits Gemini, making things even more playful and jovial. First-quarter moon phases give us the push we need to keep going. During this phase, we tend to have more challenges moving forward with new projects. But Gemini is analytical, intelligent, and creative. So, we will likely be determined to find the solutions we need to get the job done.

We will likely feel more social during this period as well. Pisces energy is a bit solemn and aloof – this sign enjoys spending time alone. But Gemini is the social butterfly of the zodiac. So, chances are you will be engaged in quite a bit of communication. Your conversations may be focused on spirituality and your material foundation. It’s likely you will merge the two as Venus works with Pisces to bring more focus to our financial sector.

This may look like starting or working with a spiritually-based business in some capacity. It could likewise involve harmonizing your spiritual and career life to achieve balance. Gemini will show us the areas that need adjustment as the moon moves through this sign. 

Sun in Aries

The Mighty Sun enters the sign of Aries on March 19th, starting a new annual cycle. Aries initiates the zodiac wheel as he comes forth with his fiery energy during the spring season, encouraging us to refresh and renew. This sign is the go-getter of the zodiac, so whenever he is touched by the Sun’s flames, he motivates us to do the same.

These dynamics will liven things up even more after the lull of the previous new moon in Pisces. Though our thoughts will still be focused on spiritual matters, Aries will get us into action. Many will focus on their spiritual identity during this period as they consider how to ascend in their journey. With Saturn transiting Pisces and the Sun in Aries motivating us to take action, many will be encouraged to embrace a new spiritual path as they awaken.

Also, since Venus is visiting Pisces at the same time, spirituality and business dealings will likely connect even deeper during this phase. You may consider taking on a spiritually-based profession of some sort. There is a global emphasis on ascension and higher dimensions, with Pisces in the spotlight this month and beyond.

Mars in Pisces

Aries’ ruling planet, Mars, enters Pisces on Mar 22, giving us more energy to take action in the domains ruled by this watery sign. Pisces is typically slower to react and easy to let things go. But Mars will light a fire in this sign, fueling us with a sense of courage and bravery. Many vital lessons that Pisces has learned during Saturn’s transit will begin to take effect during this period.

Saturn has been in this sign for a little over a year now, making Pisces a bit uncomfortable. So, if you have illusional, addictive, emotional, or similar issues, expect this energy to help you push past these behaviors. Mars emphasizes our identity and self-esteem. Chances are you have been shown areas where you have devalued yourself over the past 12-month cycle. Now, it’s time to dig in your heels and do the work to overcome these deficiencies.

So, you may decide to exercise your willpower to a greater degree during this time. You might be confronted with situations that require you to ‘put your foot down.’ With Mars leading the charge, you likely won’t have much trouble doing so. Your actions during this phase may surprise and please you at the same time. They will show you that you have the strength to overcome limiting beliefs and behaviors.

Jupiter in Taurus Semi-Sextile True Node in Aries

Finally, this new moon phase concludes on a positive note. This interplay creates a dynamic dance between expansion and destiny. It offers us a unique opportunity for growth and alignment with our life purpose. Jupiter, the Great Benefactor, expands in Earthy Taurus. This placement signifies a period of stability, groundedness, and material growth. It encourages us to embrace opportunities for financial prosperity and personal fulfillment.

In its semi-sextile aspect with the True Node in Aries, this planetary alignment also adds a dimension of action and assertiveness. Particularly, it emphasizes our identity and life purpose. The True Node represents our karmic path and soul’s mission in this lifetime. With Aries’ fiery energy infused in the mix, we are urged to take bold steps forward, assert ourselves confidently, and pursue our passions with unwavering determination.

But we will do so by taking practical, courageous steps in this direction. This energy may inspire you to explore new territories or venture outside of your comfort zone to ensure you align with your purpose. This can mean many things for different people. While the energy focuses on our purpose, our material life will likewise be a concern. It’s likely many will integrate the two, allowing them to pursue their passions while enjoying physical comfort and abundance.


The new moon in March 2024 brings a wave of spiritual energy and emotional depth. As the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces is known for its intuitive nature and connection to the subconscious. During this celestial event, the moon aligns with the sun in Pisces, creating a powerful energy that encourages introspection, creativity, and spiritual growth. It is a time to dive deep into our emotions, dreams, and desires.

This phase offers an opportunity for us to set intentions related to compassion, empathy, and healing. It invites us to embrace our intuition and trust our inner guidance. Pisces represents imagination, sensitivity, and intuition. The new moon encourages us to tap into these qualities as we embark on new beginnings and fresh starts. 

As we navigate through this cosmic energy, it is essential to honor our emotions and allow ourselves to be vulnerable. By doing so, we can open ourselves up to new possibilities and manifest our dreams into reality. Whether you meditate under the night sky or journal your intentions, embracing this energy can be cleansing and healing. So take some time for self-care during this magical period and embrace the mystical energies that surround you.

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