How to Practice Ifa Religion

Afoxés meeting through the streets of Recife Antigo

Many people come to me seeking out reputable priests and priestesses within traditional African systems. There are several available, but I know they can be difficult to find. That’s why I provide reputable Ifa readings through my website.

Since I started offering these services, a few of my clients have asked me to explain more about the beliefs and tenets of Ifa. So, I decided to cover this topic in more depth in a 16-part series. Since I don’t focus on Ifa as much on the African Spirit podcast, I will also address this topic in more depth over time. So, stay tuned if you want to know more about this sacred tradition.

It is important to note that Ifa is not a proselytizing religion. People do not actively seek to convert followers to Ifa. Instead, they focus on living their lives in accordance with Ifa principles. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will see signs and billboards pointing you to an Ifa temple or have random people approaching you with pamphlets about the religion. 

Instead, you will have to search out Ifa resources on your own. It is a growing community but is not as easily visible as other religions. This is why this series and additional information about this system are crucial to new devotees.


If you are new to Ifa, you should know a few things before you begin practicing the religion. First, it is vital to understand that Ifa is a monotheistic religion though devotees serve many deities. Some view the Ifa religion as polytheistic, meaning many gods or deities are worshiped. 

However, the true essence of Ifa is monotheistic. Ifa devotees believe in a Supreme Creator referred to as Oludumare. Though, the Orishas and other forces created by Oludumare significantly impact our day-to-day lives. Therefore, they are reverenced or honored through offerings and sacrifices.

Some of the more well-known Orishas include the ones outlined below. But, there are many more Orishas that you will come in contact with as you develop your practice. 


Also known as Orula or Orunla, this Orisha is associated with divination, wisdom, and prophecy and is often invoked for guidance and protection. Orunmila is one of the essential Orishas in the Yoruba religion and is widely revered among followers of other Orisha traditions in the Caribbean Islands and South America.


Also referred to as Esu, this Orisha is considered the Orisha of mischief and change. Eshu is typically depicted as a man with two faces, one black and one red. These colors represent change and opposition. Eshu is often described as a trickster god, as he is known for playing tricks on people. He is also known for being very helpful as he is the god of crossroads, capable of opening doors of opportunity.


This is the Orisha of peace, purity, and creativity. Obatala is typically depicted in all white, which represents purity. He is known to be very fair and just, with little to no tolerance for immorality.


The Orisha of love, beauty, and fertility is known as Oshun or Osun in the Ifa and other diasporic traditions. Oshun is typically depicted as a beautiful woman with yellow or gold clothing, which symbolizes beauty and happiness.


The Orisha of war and strength is popularly known as Ogun in many African diaspora traditions, including Ifa. Ogun is typically depicted as a man dressed in all black, carrying weapons. He is also associated with the colors green and black in Yoruba, which represent the forest or clearing a path. In diasporic traditions, he is most commonly associated with the color red, which embodies the energy of passion, power, and war.


One of the most famous Orishas in Yorubaland, Sango, is the god of thunder and lightning. Sango is said to be a very powerful Orisha and is often considered to be the king of the Orishas in Yoruba. This Orisha is very passionate and can be both good and bad-tempered. Sango is usually depicted as a man carrying a double-headed ax and is often associated with the color red. Sango is also the patron of the Orisha of the Yoruba people.

These are just some of the few Orishas you should be aware of as you connect with Ifa. Some of them will be more prominent in your journey than others. However, all Orishas play a role in each of our lives in some way or another.


It is also important to begin an ancestor veneration practice before starting any African spiritual system. This will help you connect to your African roots and the spirit world, as your ancestors will guide you along your journey.

This should be your first step before embarking on an Ifa spiritual journey. Your ancestors can help you find the right resources and connect with the right people along your path. But it may be necessary to do ancestor connection or elevation work before you begin venerating them. There are many ways to accomplish this goal.


If you are interested in practicing Ifa, start by doing some research to learn more about the belief systems and the Orishas. Once you have a general understanding of the religion, begin incorporating Orisha worship into your own life in subtle ways. And finally, seek out an Ifa community that you can connect with and learn from.

To practice Ifa, followers must first learn about the Orishas that they may be working with. This can be done by reading religious texts, attending ceremonies, or speaking with a priest or priestess of the system. Once you have a general understanding of the system, you can begin to incorporate the principles and Orishas into your own life in healthy and productive ways.

By connecting with the system this way, you can begin to live your life according to Ifa principles. This includes living in harmony with nature, respecting your elders, and working hard to better yourself and your community.

Connecting with an Ifa community at the beginning of your journey is important. This can provide you with support and guidance as you learn more about the religion. There are Ifa temples in many parts of the world, so finding one near you should not be difficult. You can also find many resources online, such as books, articles, and websites dedicated to Ifa.


It is very important to understand Ifa guidelines before fully embracing the system. There is a strict set of rules and regulations that should be followed in order to avoid any negative consequences. Some of these guidelines include:

  • Do not engage in any activities that could result in spiritual or physical harm or abuse.
  • Do not abuse drugs or alcohol while participating in Ifa ceremonies or rituals.
  • Do not violate individual and community taboos.

You will become aware of many other guidelines as you continue your practice. But, do understand that Ifa is a tradition based on standards of moral conduct. Adherents are expected to live a life of good character to achieve success in life.


Get as much information as you can about Ifa divination before you get a reading. Doing so will help you understand if your reading is legitimate or not. It will also help you understand what to expect during the process. If you have questions about Ifa, ask a knowledgeable priest, priestess, devotee, or mentor for guidance.

When you are ready to get your first Ifa reading, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, it is important to find a reputable diviner who has been trained in the Ifa tradition. Second, you should be prepared to pay for the reading, as spiritual services are fee-based.

Finally, you should come with an open mind and be willing to accept whatever advice the diviner has to offer. By following these steps, you can ensure that you have a positive and productive experience with Ifa divination.

Once you feel ready, you should get your first Ifa reading. This will help you understand your relationship with the Orishas, your destiny, and what steps you need to take to lead a successful life. After your first reading, be sure to live your life according to Ifa principles so that you can succeed in all areas of your life.


Don’t be too hasty to commit to a Babalawo (Ifa priest) or Iyanifa (Ifa priestess) at first. Take your time, as this is a very important relationship. There are many Ifa priests and priestesses out there. Some are better than others. You want to find someone you can connect with personally and who you feel comfortable working with.

When you have found the right Babalawo or Iyanifa, it is important to build a relationship of trust with them. This means being honest about your goals and intentions and being open to their guidance. Being respectful of their time and energy is also important, as they offer you valuable services.

Once you have established a good relationship, you can receive Ifa readings and work towards your spiritual and life goals. By following these steps, you can begin practicing Ifa safely and effectively. Remember to respect the Orisha, live in accordance with Ifa principles, honor your taboos, and be open to different interpretations of the religion. By doing so, you will be well on your way to a successful Ifa practice.

Finally, continue to study and research as you practice Ifa. The more you know about Ifa, the easier it will be to follow its teachings and achieve success in all areas of your life.

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