Personal year numerology

Personal Year Numerology For Business, Career, & Finances

In numerology, the concept of a personal year is about how the energy of any given 12-month cycle will most likely impact your life. It is a prediction or divination tool that I have found to be astoundingly accurate in my own life. It gives you a general idea of what to expect. And it … Continue reading Personal Year Numerology For Business, Career, & Finances

2023 Numerology Predictions

2023 Personal Year Numerology Predictions

The year 2023 personal year numerology predictions vibe with the number seven, which synchronizes with spirituality, enlightenment, and awakening. During a seven numerological year, we can expect to connect with our spirituality on a deeper, more profound level. Many will venture into schools of mysticism and esoteric studies. Others may experience heightened levels of intuitive … Continue reading 2023 Personal Year Numerology Predictions